Please check our social pages to see new artwork & design announcements!


  • Do you ever post original works on the website?
    • Not yet, but I will be soon! These items will be rotated out as I paint new canvases and sell them either online or at markets.
  • Can you make custom shirts outside of what has your art?
    • Yes!  The pricing may vary depending on the desired look and style.  

  • I met you at a market/art show, how can I purchase an item that isn't listed on the website?
    • If you are interested in something then please use the Contact portion of the website to send me an email.  I check the inbox daily and will be more than happy to provide options for that specific item or even a custom project.
  • How does the shipping cost work?
    • I have everything set up to minimize shipping costs when grouped together.  For example, if a shirt has a shipping costs of $5.99 when shipped alone,  that cost could drop down to $2.50 when purchased with another item.  
  • Are there any discount codes?
    • Yes! From time to time I release discount codes on Facebook and Instagram for my followers to utilize for extra savings. 

If you have any questions that aren't covered on this page please use the "Contact" link below and email me directly!